Updates 9/19

(Published this early–my bad!)

You might be wondering what I’ve been doing recently:

1) I decided not to attend the National Black Book Festival this year since its date conflicts with my niece’s birth and other challenges.

2) By the end of October, I expect to complete The Village Hidden in The Vale (Oracle, Book 2). I made a lot of progress on it in recent months–look forward to more on this novel soon.

3) This November, I will be participating in my 11th National Novel Writing Month and writing 50,000 words in one month. if I meet my other deadlines, I hope to be writing on a new book (or series) entitled Elevated, a fantasy novel–more on that later.

4) Miradey by S.T. Rucker is still being serialized on Wattpad. A wonderful fantasy romance, so go check it out and vote, if you are inclined.

5) Below is my current work in progress! (I know this quickly-put-together cover isn’t awe-inspiring, but as usual I’m working with the resources I have and also just wanted a quick visual to post. I’m also working hard to stop making book covers with dark backgrounds!) My current novel is in fact inspired by Ruby Dixon’s Aspect and Anchor series. I’ll be mentioning her a little more in one of my next post.

Reaping Sin by S.T. Rucker is a fantasy romance about Terian, an exiled god of Harvest, and Seine, a demigod, who must journey together to the city of the gods to return Terian to his heavenly domain regardless of their pilgrimage’s dire costs.

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